Children’s Ministry- This ministry is led by Minister Carmela Every Sunday Morning @ 10:45. Ages 0-9
Youth Ministry- “FLY”(Faith Leading Youth) Youth Group meets every Wednesday night at 7:00 with Pastor J. Ages 10-18
CCR-G Ministry- Christ Centered Restoration Group meets every Tuesday night at 6:45 at the City on a Hill Building (next door). CCR-G is under the direction of Minister Joy Downey and Minister Christina Mae.
UFC WoMan’s Friday Night Alive Group- Women’s group meets the first Friday Night of the month at 6:30PM. UFC WoMan’s Matriarch is Pastor Libby Patton.
Iron Sharpens Iron- This ministry is the men’s group here at UFC and it is under the direction of Minister Jon Shramm. They meet the first Saturday of the month at 8 AM over breakfast.
F3G- Friday Freedom Fighters Group meets every Friday Night at City on a Hill at 7:00 PM. This is a group of a round table discussion of everyday Strengths and struggles. The group discusses about overcoming these obstacles with Jesus Christ.